

Committees: Appropriations, General Government, Labor, MDE, PreK-12, Universities and Community Colleges

Committees: Appropriations, Conference Committee on HB 4001, Senate Fiscal Agency Governing Board

Committees: Appropriations, DHHS, EGLE, Energy and Environment, Finance, Insurance, and Consumer Protection, General Government, Housing and Human Services, Joint Capital Outlay, Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, Local Government, MDE

Committees: Energy and Environment, Regulatory Affairs, Transportation and Infrastructure

Committees: Government Operations, Senate Fiscal Agency Governing Board

Committees: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Appropriations, EGLE, Joint Capital Outlay, LEO/MEDC, Senate Fiscal Agency Governing Board, Transportation, Transportation and Infrastructure

Committees: Appropriations, Education, Energy and Environment, Finance, Insurance, and Consumer Protection, Labor, LEO/MEDC, PreK-12, Transportation

Committees: Appropriations, DHHS, Economic and Community Development, Finance, Insurance, and Consumer Protection, Housing and Human Services, Labor, LARA/DIFS, LEO/MEDC, PreK-12

Committees: Civil Rights, Judiciary, and Public Safety, Education, Elections and Ethics, Energy and Environment, Housing and Human Services, Transportation and Infrastructure

Committees: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Appropriations, DHHS, EGLE, General Government, Health Policy, Housing and Human Services, Labor, Natural Resources and Agriculture

Committees: Finance, Insurance, and Consumer Protection, Local Government, Natural Resources and Agriculture

Committees: Appropriations, Education, Energy and Environment, Housing and Human Services, Joint Capital Outlay, Transportation, Universities and Community Colleges

Committees: Economic and Community Development, Education, Health Policy, Housing and Human Services, Oversight, Transportation and Infrastructure

Committees: DHHS, EGLE, Energy and Environment, General Government, Health Policy, Regulatory Affairs

Committees: Appropriations, Energy and Environment, Health Policy, Military, Veterans, State Police, PreK-12, Regulatory Affairs, Transportation, Transportation and Infrastructure, Veterans and Emergency Services

Committees: Housing and Human Services, Local Government, Natural Resources and Agriculture

Committees: Appropriations, DHHS, Finance, Insurance, and Consumer Protection, Health Policy, Joint Capital Outlay, LEO/MEDC

Committees: Appropriations, Civil Rights, Judiciary, and Public Safety, Corrections and Judiciary, DHHS, EGLE, Finance, Insurance, and Consumer Protection, Housing and Human Services, Joint Capital Outlay, Universities and Community Colleges

Committees: Civil Rights, Judiciary, and Public Safety, Education, Elections and Ethics

Committees: Appropriations, General Government, Health Policy, Local Government, MDE, Military, Veterans, State Police, PreK-12, Transportation, Transportation and Infrastructure, Veterans and Emergency Services

Committees: Conference Committee on HB 4001, Energy and Environment, Government Operations, Regulatory Affairs

Committees: Economic and Community Development, Housing and Human Services, Oversight

Committees: Elections and Ethics, Oversight, Transportation and Infrastructure

Committees: Appropriations, Energy and Environment, Finance, Insurance, and Consumer Protection, Joint Capital Outlay, LEO/MEDC, Regulatory Affairs, Senate Fiscal Agency Governing Board, Transportation, Transportation and Infrastructure, Universities and Community Colleges

Committees: Appropriations, Economic and Community Development, Elections and Ethics, Joint Capital Outlay, Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, LEO/MEDC, Oversight

Committees: Economic and Community Development, Elections and Ethics, Government Operations, Local Government, Regulatory Affairs

Committees: Government Operations, Senate Fiscal Agency Governing Board

Committees: Appropriations, Corrections and Judiciary, DHHS, EGLE, Energy and Environment, Veterans and Emergency Services

Committees: Economic and Community Development, Education, Energy and Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture, Oversight, PreK-12, Regulatory Affairs

Committees: Civil Rights, Judiciary, and Public Safety, Health Policy, Joint Committee on Administrative Rules

Committees: Appropriations, Civil Rights, Judiciary, and Public Safety, Corrections and Judiciary, DHHS, Elections and Ethics, Health Policy, Housing and Human Services, Joint Capital Outlay, LARA/DIFS, Regulatory Affairs, Veterans and Emergency Services

Committees: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Appropriations, Civil Rights, Judiciary, and Public Safety, Corrections and Judiciary, EGLE, Energy and Environment, Housing and Human Services, Local Government, Natural Resources and Agriculture

Committees: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Conference Committee on HB 4001, EGLE, Energy and Environment, Government Operations, Natural Resources and Agriculture, Oversight, Universities and Community Colleges

Committees: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Appropriations, DHHS, Finance, Insurance, and Consumer Protection, Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, LARA/DIFS, Military, Veterans, State Police, PreK-12

Committees: Economic and Community Development, Natural Resources and Agriculture, Transportation and Infrastructure

Committees: Economic and Community Development, Health Policy, Regulatory Affairs

Committees: Civil Rights, Judiciary, and Public Safety, Elections and Ethics, Health Policy, Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, Local Government, Regulatory Affairs, Transportation and Infrastructure